Best of 2019 - NJ Wedding Photographer - Garret Torres Photography

My 2019 included:

20,048 photos delivered

2,415 miles driven

365 days worked

22 couples photographed

5 states traveled to

0 desire to change any of it

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I love what I do. I’m so thankful that people trust me to capture their weddings and allow me to keep doing what I love for a living. Thank you to everyone who I had the privilege of working with. Another big thank-you goes out to everyone who helped me along the way this year: Dennis, Tommy, Brandon, Angela, another Brandon, Drew, Danny, and of course, my wonderful wife/assistant/accountant/social media manager/best friend, Melissa.

I don’t want to waste too much time with text when you’re clearly here for the photos, so here they are. I hope you enjoy.